Saturday, June 9, 2007

Ticket to ride

TCS has recently launched its new marketing campaign and it says "Experience Certainity". You will find this ad in all the top magazines,magazines and newspapers of the world. But this has become motto for my new customer satisfaction index called SD's retail tale. Excited after seeing so many ads in TV and newspaper , I hit the road to find out if these retailers really mean what they show in ads !

Jaydeep Rathore alias JD(not any villain of Bolloywood) , a good friend at my workplace, is very excited on the idea of retailing and the way its making all the news. He thinks that after IT boom ,its gonna be a retail boom in India and he is not wrong. A fact about Indian retailing is that "8% of Indians are employed in retail segment". We visited MORE.'s store in Vimaan Nagar and spent almost an hour analysing it.
Following table shows MORE.'s SD retail tale

For each tale, I have decided to have a new section called "the GOOD, the BAD, the UGLY". This section explains the ideas which caught our eye during the visit.
the GOOD :
  • It has a pretty catchy punchline "More. Quality / More. Variety / More. Convenience / More. Value "
  • The ambiance of the store is very good with some cool saffron colors selected
  • All the sales staff has a uniform
  • The store has an in-built medical store to cater to required medicines.
  • The variety of items is at its best. Atleast we were able to find some 50 different types of biscuits
  • The billboards hang from the roof above each section. So its easy to find particular type of item
  • The store is located on main road , so convenient to users.
  • Own food items like atta, bread, cereals

the BAD:

  • The store has just four counters. So during peak time, it may not be able to cater to customers in short time.
  • Parking space is very less. On the weekends, when just 20 customers were visiting the store, the parking was full.
  • Part of store is allocated to clothing, but the shelves were empty.
  • Still empty space in shelf in other sections too.

the UGLY:

  • The sales staff is not fully knowledgeable.
  • On packed items, no discounts !
  • Only one store in Pune. So when item is not available in that store, then no other option.

So net-net , MORE. gets 7 out of 10 in SD's retail tale .


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